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SEEN Bird Friendly Design Glass
One of the underestimated aspects of modern architecture is the danger that glass facades pose to birds. Despite the undeniable advantages of glass in architecture, such as natural daylight, aesthetic freedom, and a connection to nature, it presents a significant risk to our feathered friends. Bird collisions with glass often
LRQA Certification of SEEN Group
The SEEN Group is pleased to announce a pivotal recognition in the industry: the attainment of ISO 9001:2015 Certification. This significant badge reaffirms the management system of our company.
Bird protection on glas and windows
Glass has been gaining importance as a building material in modern architecture for years. It is important to build transparent, light-filled and generous. For birds, these glass surfaces are often a deadly trap.
Eastman & SEEN AG
The cooperation between SEEN AG and Eastman will support glass processors, facade planners and architects in making a valuable contribution to bird protection in the construction industry.
SEEN AG at ZAK Festival
Last year we already participated in the Zak World of Façades as exhibitors in Berlin, London and Stockholm. Due to the success of the event, we also planned to be present in various cities this year.
Metal Coating and 3D printing
In the field of metal coatings and 3D printing, SEEN AG is now cooperating with BASF Forward AM. Our partner develops the appropriate material for 3D printing and provides different designs.