Colors and color changes
With the selection of the different metals for the SEEN elements it is not done yet. You want to highlight your project with a colored design? No problem!
Due to the printing of the highly reflective aluminium coating, the representation of all colours according to Pantone® (with the exception of white) is possible from the beginning of 2021 for façade projects. The following samples show the seven basic colours for this process as well as colours that are to represent other metals. Due to the neutral coating with aluminium, only the slightest colour deviations occur.
Colors according to Pantone®
In total there are about 5,000 colors according to Pantone®. The seven basic colors form the basis from which all colors can be mixed together as desired. Thanks to the Pantone Matching System, consistency and accuracy of colors can be guaranteed regardless of material and surface. So you remain true to your design in all elements.
Imitation of metals
Color matching of copper and other metals
Color change
If a single color is not enough, we have the right solution for you: A particular specialty of SEEN Elements is the color change within a print. The combinations blue-green and red-yellow are possible. Depending on the incidence of light and angle of view, the coloring design changes. This is an innovative way to give your project special attention.

Color change red-yellow

Farbwechsel Blau-Grün in Kombination mit Aluminium

Color change blue-green in combination with aluminum
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